Developed from experience
AMAT was developed over a number of years by Sports Professionals through a requirement to test a large number of Athletes quickly and accurately.
A desire of Pro Football Support even before the development of AMAT Performance has always been to try and expand the knowledge base around athletic development of young players through extensive research. Over the past 6 seasons we have been fortunate to work with a large amount of elite young players at category 2 & 3 professional football club academies. This has translated into the research papers and conference presentations detailed below. Research will always be at the forefront of AMAT Performance and we are working hard towards the future papers also detailed below.
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Test, Analyse, Train
AMAT was developed over a number of years by Sports Professionals through a requirement to test a large number of Athletes quickly and accurately.
A desire of Pro Football Support even before the development of AMAT Performance has always been to try and expand the knowledge base around athletic development of young players through extensive research. Over the past 6 seasons we have been fortunate to work with a large amount of elite young players at category 2 & 3 professional football club.
For more information please get in touch.
Tel: +44 (0)1484 843008 or email us